Our Teachers: Insurance of Education Project!
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The main purpose of the Project, which is co-partnered by Zurich Foundation, Zurich Turkey and the Turkish Education Association is to minimize the environmental, physical and professional issues of the female teachers assigned to the villages/districts in the first years of their professional lives; to enhance their knowledge; and to increase their trust and motivation in themselves and their profession.
The project ensures that the female teachers assigned to the villages/districts in the first years of their professional lives are having a better start in their professional lives by supporting their professional and personal development. Our Teachers: Insurance of Education Project increases the quality of life for our teachers and gives hope to the students. The project is aimed to reach 1000 female teachers by the end of 2023. Please click here to watch the video of the project.
Please visit following links to access the news of the events.
September 16, 2019: https://gpc.tedu.edu.tr/tr/gpc/gundem/haberler/dr-serim-yildiz-egitimin-sigortasi-ogretmenlerimiz-projesi-kapsaminda-seminer
November 17-22, 2019: https://educ.tedu.edu.tr/tr/educ/gundem/haberler/sinif-ogretmenleri-seminerindeydik
November 24, 2019: https://ele.tedu.edu.tr/tr/ele/gundem/haberler/prof-dr-belgin-aydin-proje-calistayinda
November 24, 2019: https://educ.tedu.edu.tr/tr/educ/gundem/haberler/24-kasim-ogretmenler-gunu-cesitli-etkinliklerle-kutlandi