- Leaving a lasting impact on social development for a sustainable future.
- Raising leadership individuals: To raise entrepreneurial, creative, and future-shaping individuals through an education approach centered around active and participatory learning, integrated with business life, prioritizing contributions to society and internationalization.
- Producing innovative solutions: To provide societal benefit by creating solutions to local-global issues with an interdisciplinary approach in a research environment that promotes freedom and creativity.
Core Values:
- Pursuing Excellence: Achieving the highest level with a transformative approach in all mission areas.
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Ensuring the continuity of a productive environment where innovation is encouraged and supported.
- Sustainability: Conducting research with a sense of social impact, efficiency, and local-global responsibility, and generating value that contributes to societal development.
- Collaboration Culture: Producing solutions with stakeholders through an agile and lean approach, learning and transforming together with stakeholders.
- Equality and Inclusivity: Valuing equal participation, diversity, and multiculturalism in all areas of activity, respecting different perspectives and ideas, fostering a culture of consensus, and being open to criticism.
- Transparency and Accountability: Commitment to high professional standards and ethical values, being transparent, accountable, and reliable with a focus on quality and evaluation culture.
Küresel bilgi ekonomisinin gerektirdiği genişlik-derinlik dengesine sahip diploma programları ve yenilikçi öğretim yöntemleri ile çok yönlü, eleştirel düşünebilen, yaratıcı, girişimci, özgüveni yüksek ve hayat boyu öğrenmeyi ilke edinmiş bireylerin yetişmesini sağlamak; kurumsal öncelikli alanlarda araştırma ve yaratıcı çabalarla bilime evrensel katkı yapmaktır.
Şeffaf ve kurumsal yapısı ile tüm paydaşlarına hesap ve güven vermeyi ilke edinmiş, sürekliliği ve sürdürülebilir gelişmeyi hedefleyen, öğrenmeye açık bir üniversite olmaktır.
TED Üniversitesi’nin amacı; ilham veren ve özgün bir yükseköğretim kurumu olarak, dönüştüren ve özgürleştiren bir eğitim deneyimi sağlamak, toplum ve kent ile etkileşim içerisinde bilgi ve çözüm üretmektir.