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Dear Students,
We are renewing our University's TEDUCard system for the Academic Year 2024/2025. With this upgrade, TEDUCards are designed to be valid only at the entrances to our campus, independently from any bank. You will be able to enter the campus using the QR code via the mobile application. By installing the SoliClub mobile application on your smartphones, you can become a member of the system with your student number and quickly pass through the turnstiles by creating your QR code within the application.
In line with our university's vision of sustainability and digitalization, we will not print physical cards by default in order to promote the use of the SoliClub mobile application. 

We wish you a healthy and successful academic year!


How to Use TEDUCard Mobile Application?

1) Download The Application

Download the Application for free

tedu card appYou can download the app for free from the App Store, Google Play and Huawei AppGallery. By scanning the QR codes, you can go directly to the SoliClub app in the market, or you can access the app by typing SoliClub in the search bar of the app market.





2) Register

Sign up for free if you have not registered before.

TEDU CardWhen you open the application, click the “Register” link at the bottom of the screen. On the page that opens, first select your university, enter your “Student Number” if you are a student, or your “TR Identity Number” if you are a staff member, and enter your mobile phone number, then click the “Register” button.







3) Verify your number

Enter the code received on your phone

TEDU CardAfter pressing the “Register” button, a verification code will be sent to the mobile phone number you have entered. Enter the code on the screen and click “Proceed”.








4) Create A Password

Accept the terms and conditions

TEDU CardSet a password at least 6 digits long. Enter the password again in the box below to make sure it is correct. After reading the necessary terms and conditions, confirm by clicking on the box next to it and click on the “Next” button.








5) Easy Pass Through The Turnstiles

Enjoy mobile freedom!

TEDU CardYour registration is complete. Now it's time to enjoy mobile freedom. Log in to the application; easily pass through the turnstiles by scanning the QR code.