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Strategic Pillar 5

Strategic Pillar 5: Agile, strong, and human-centered institutional governance


Initiative -1: Strengthening the capacity for organizational learning, change and transformation


  1. Strengthening organizational operations for result-oriented governance
  2. Implementing innovative solutions in organizational development areas

Initiative -2: Increasing Recognition and Visibility


  1. Improving corporate communication and brand management processes

Initiative -3: Enhancing the contribution of technology to management processes


  1. Integration of information management systems
  2. Enhancing the effectiveness of technological and digital infrastructure management

Initiative -4: Improving the adaptation capacity of the Quality Assurance System to changes


  1. Strengthening integrated stakeholder relationship management
  2. Strengthening the quality assurance structure and promoting a quality culture

Initiative -5: Strengthening the Human Resources Management System


  1. Developing processes that center on employees' well-being and promote creativity and communication
  2. Increasing the effectiveness of recruitment and orientation processes
  3. Developing a strong talent management approach to support the professional career development of internal stakeholders