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Strategic Pillar 1

Strategic Pillar 1: Active/participatory learning with enhanced quality education through scientific and innovative teaching approaches


Initiative-1: Strengthening undergraduate and graduate programs and increasing demand 


  1. Review and improvement of faculty structures
  2. Review and improvement of master’s programs
  3. Opening of doctoral and integrated doctoral programs in alignment with research priorities and external stakeholder expectations
  4. Effective communication and promotion with prospective students and educational institutions

Initiative 2 - Strong sectoral connections / collaborations, up-to-date and accredited programs


  1. Implementation of a dynamic curriculum in undergraduate and graduate programs that is responsive to global and sectoral changes and adaptable to current developments in the field
  2. Implementation of a co-curricular learning model that supports institutional learning outcomes
  3. Increasing career development and management support for students
  4. Increasing the number of accredited undergraduate programs

Initiative 3 - Improving the quality of teaching and learning and strengthening students' active participation in learning


  1. Producing graduates with highly developed language skills
  2. Increasing the quality and efficiency of teaching
  3. Promoting evidence-based, innovative, and high-impact learning and teaching practices
  4. Enhancing stakeholder participation in the design, implementation, evaluation, and improvement stages of teaching and learning processes
  5. Systematically monitoring and supporting the learning experience and institutional and program learning outcomes

Initiative 4 - Strengthening global learning and teaching for a sustainable future


  1. Raising awareness about the importance of global learning and teaching for a sustainable future
  2. Incorporating priority topics from the UN Sustainable Development Goals (climate, poverty, gender equality, migration, etc.) and the competencies required for sustainability into the design of relevant courses
  3. Ensuring that students gain a global learning experience

Initiative 5 - Digitally strengthening learning and teaching: Widespread adoption of innovative teaching approaches


  1. Incorporating digital competency acquisition into undergraduate curricula
  2. Strengthening digital course content
  3. Promoting the widespread use of digital teaching methods
  4. Developing support and reward mechanisms for the digitalization of teaching and learning