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MATE 351

Course ID:
Course Code & Number
MATE 351
Course Title
Materials Design in Mathematics Teaching
Credit Hours/ ECTS Credits
(2+0+0) 2 TEDU Credits, 4 ECTS Credits
Year of Study:
Type of Course:
Mode of Delivery:
Language of Instruction:
Pre-requisite / Co-requisite:
Pre-requisites: NONE
Co-requisites: NONE
Catalog Description
Using field-specific instructional technologies; types of software and purposes of their use; principles of design and development of materials to be used in teaching of the field; determination of material needs; designing two and three dimensional teaching materials; worksheets; slides; development of teaching materials such as VCD, DVD, MP3 and MP4 files etc.; evaluation of classroom applications done by using different teaching materials.
Course Objectives

The aim of this course is to provide students deep understanding of materials design process and, appropriate selection and use of materials for mathematics instruction. 

Software Usage

If relevant to the course

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. Identify instructional techology tools that are specific to mathematics instruction.

2. Match types of instructional software with the specific aims of mathematics instruction.

3. Analyze the principles of designing materials for the instruction of specific mathematics concepts and processes.

4. Develop instructional materials for mathematics based on principles of materials design.

5. Identify materials design need based on several aspects including students profile.

6. Design concrete materials to enhance instructional process of mathematics.

7. Select online materials for the instruction of middle school mathematics.

8. Evaluate classroom applications performed by using different teaching materials.

Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
Telling/Explaining Discussion/Debate Scaffolding/Coaching Demonstrating Inquiry Collaborating Microteaching Video Presentations Hands-on Activities Service Learning Web Searching
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Self Evaluation Peer Evaluation Portfolio Presentation (Oral/Poster) Performance Project (Written, Oral)
Assessment Methods and Criteria Others:
Design Content

If relevant to the course

Recommended Reading
  1. Spikell, M. A. (1993). Teaching mathematics with manipulatives: A resource of activities for the K-12 teacher. Allyn & Bacon.
Required Reading
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods Others:
Course Coordinator:
Student Workload:
Workload Hrs
Lectures 28
Course Readings 20
Hands-on Work 28
Resource Review 20
Report on a Topic 10
Poster Presentation 10
Course & Program Learning Outcome Matching: