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MATE 251

Course ID:
Course Code & Number
MATE 251
Course Title
Culture and Mathematics
Credit Hours/ ECTS Credits
(2+0+0) 2 TEDU Credits, 4 ECTS Credits
Year of Study:
Type of Course:
Mode of Delivery:
Language of Instruction:
Pre-requisite / Co-requisite:
Pre-requisites: NONE
Co-requisites: NONE
Catalog Description
Relationship between mathematics and culture; defining mathematical concepts in their cultural contexts, mathematical thinking structures of different cultures, basic principles of research in the field of ethnomathematics, the relationship between mathematics-anthropology- linguistics; the importance of including ethnomathematic studies in classroom applications; designing in-class mathematical activities for different cultural contexts.
Course Objectives

The aim of this course is to provide students understanding the relationship between culture and mathematics from several perspectives. Working on the ways of incorporating etnomathematics to instructional process, students will better understand the use of mathematical activities for different cultural contexts.

Software Usage

 If relevant to the course

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Discuss the relationship between mathematics and culture.
  2. Define the concepts of mathematics in cultural context.
  3. Discuss the internationality of mathematics concepts.
  4. Explore mathematical thinking structures of different cultures.
  5. Interpret the field of ethnomathematics.
  6. Establish connection between mathematics, anthropology and linguistics.
  7. Explain the importance of giving place to ethnomathematics studies in mathematics instruction process.
  8. Design mathematical activities for classroom use. 
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
Telling/Explaining Discussion/Debate Questioning Reading Inquiry Think-Pair-Share Brainstorming Field Trips Guest Speakers Web Searching Others
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Test / Exam Quiz Performance Project (Written, Oral) Others
Assessment Methods and Criteria Others:
Comparative Lesson Study
Design Content

If relevant to the course

Recommended Reading

Seeger, F., & Waschescio, U. (Eds.). (1998). The culture of the mathematics classroom. Cambridge University Press.

Required Reading
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods Others:
Course Coordinator:
Student Workload:
Workload Hrs
Lectures 28
Course Readings 42
Debate 4
Field Trips/Visits 4
Report on a Topic 20
Research Review 10
Course & Program Learning Outcome Matching: