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SENG 474

Course ID:
Course Code & Number
SENG 474
Course Title
Deep Learning
Credit Hours/ ECTS Credits
(3+0+0) 3 TEDU Credits, 5 ECTS Credits
Year of Study:
Type of Course:
Mode of Delivery:
Language of Instruction:
Pre-requisite / Co-requisite::
Pre-requisites: (CMPE 343 OR CMPE 224) AND CMPE 442
Co-requisites: NONE
Catalog Description
Introduction to deep learning. Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks. Convolutional and recurrent network structures. Deep unsupervised and reinforcement learning. Single and multi-layer perceptron. Auto encoders. Restricted Boltzman machines.
Course Objectives
Software Usage
Course Learning Outcomes
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Assessment Methods and Criteria Others:
Design Content
Recommended Reading
Required Reading
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods Others:
Course Coordinator:
Student Workload:
Workload Hrs
Course & Program Learning Outcome Matching: