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SENG 321

Course ID:
Course Code & Number
SENG 321
Course Title
Concepts of Programming Languages
Credit Hours/ ECTS Credits
(3+0+0) 3 TEDU Credits, 6 ECTS Credits
Year of Study:
Type of Course:
Mode of Delivery:
Language of Instruction:
Pre-requisite / Co-requisite:
Pre-requisites: CMPE 211
Co-requisites: NONE
Catalog Description
Evolution of programming languages. Overview of language translation, virtual machines, and run-time environments. Names, bindings and scopes. Values, expressions and types. Type compatibility and type checking. Storage, variables, and commands. Procedural abstraction. Generic units. Overview of functional programming paradigm. Overview of object-oriented programming paradigm: encapsulation, classes and objects, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding.
Course Objectives
Software Usage
Course Learning Outcomes
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Assessment Methods and Criteria Others:
Design Content
Recommended Reading
Required Reading
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods Others:
Course Coordinator:
Student Workload:
Workload Hrs
Course & Program Learning Outcome Matching: