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Mehmet Erçin Okursoy

Mehmet Erçin Okursoy

Mehmet Erçin Okursoy

Assistant Professor

Department of Industrial Design

Faculty Member

Vice Head Of Department

He completed his B.I.D., M.Sc. and PhD degrees in Department of Industrial Design at Middle East Technical University. After getting bachelor’s degree, he participated in METU Department of Industrial Design as research assistant between 2009 and 2018, followed by as an instructor in Selçuk University Department of Industrial Design between 2018 and 2022. In the meantime, he took part in Atılım University (2018) and TED University (2020 – 2021) as part-time instructor. He lectured in various fields as visual communication, manufacturing, materials, sustainability, model making along with studio project courses. His research interests in design education are use of drawing and visual tools in design communication, idea generation techniques, design research methods, and transfer of production and materials knowledge. Along with these, he is interested in the practice of design process of healthcare products, use of local knowledge on production and materials in design, and design approaches for sustainability in SMEs.