TEDU-IRF Call for Proposals
Institutional Research Fund (TEDU-IRF)
Deadline: July 24th, 2020
TEDU - IRF is one of the research endorsements provided by TED University to support and enhance research at TEDU. TEDU-IRF also acts as a “Seed Fund” for faculty members. By making an application to TEDU-IRF, researchers pledge that no double-funding[1] exists for the budget items proposed in the application.
Criteria for Proposals:
For the scientific excellence and impact, the project proposals are expected to;
- support institutional strategy, principles, and research priorities of TEDU
- make a significant contribution to science and society
- possess strong, authentic and novel scientific quality
- have a potential to advance the state-of-the-art and generate new intellectual property
For the quality and efficiency of the implementation; the project proposals are expected to;
- have sufficient and relevant resources to develop its activities in the most suitable conditions
- define clear, realistic and achievable project goals, methodology and outputs
- allocate the tasks and resources with respect to time and budget properly with relevant justifications
Funding Information:
Maximum amount of budget for each project cannot exceed 30.000 TL (excluding VAT).
Eligibility Criteria:
Applications are accepted from TEDU full-time faculty members. Principle Investigators (PI) of ongoing IRF projects are not eligible to submit new applications. New applications are not permitted to the subsequent IRF call, if a funded PI fails to submit its final report within the project time-frame.
How to Apply:
Applications will be made through TEDU Portal according to the instructions given in this Call for Proposals document and TEDU-IRF Directive. To access the IRF Application Form; open Research Endorsements tile/app in TEDU Portal and select “Create Application”. Please don’t forget to select “Institutional Research Fund” as Project Type.
Required Documents which should be uploaded to the system:
The following documents should be uploaded to the system in order to make the application pass the conformity assessment and advance through the scientific evaluation phase.
- Literature Review (max. 5 pages)
- Timetable (Project Calendar)
- Budget Plan
- Risk Analysis (Technical, Operational, and Financial Risks should be mentioned -where relevant- and respective mitigation actions & contingency plans should be proposed)
- Proforma Invoices (if the project application contains budget items other than student support, those items should be accompanied with proforma invoices)
- Letter of Intent (required in the case of collaboration with other institutions)
- Ethics Committee Approval (if the proposed project topic contains ethical issues) and/or other required Legal/Institutional Permissions (if third party infrastructure or Intellectual Property will be used in the project)
Student Support Rates:
This budget item should be calculated by using following unit cost and working hour.
- Undergraduate Student who already has social security registration à maximum 20 hours per month with 13 TL/hr (gross pay)
- Undergraduate Student who does not have any prior social security registration à maximum 40 hours per month with 13 TL/hr (gross pay)
- Graduate Student who already has social security registration à maximum 20 hours per month with 19,5 TL/hr (gross pay)
- Graduate Student who does not have any prior social security registration à maximum 40 hours per month with 19,5 TL/hr (gross pay)
- Graduate Student who does not have any prior social security registration à maximum 40 hours per month with 19,5 TL/hr (gross pay)
Important Issues:
- Application form and literature review should be in English.
- Before deciding equipment, software & service pro. budget items that will be requested within the project; it should be first ensured that those are not available for use within TEDU premises.
- Travel item should be used only for realization of project activities, not for dissemination purposes (conference/training/workshop participation). TEDU-KAF and/or Congress Participation Support Program for Undergraduate and Graduate Students (Budget Code: T-19-B2024-31572) are in place for conference/training/workshop participation.
- Please do not include your personal information in the content of neither the application form nor the mandatory documents.
Please refer to Inst. Directive to learn more about TEDU-IRF which was revised on May 4th, 2020.
For more information and language support please contact Directorate of Research, Technology & Innovation.
[1] The situation where the same costs for the same activity are funded twice