Course Code & Number:
SOC 314
Course Title:
Religion and Modernity
Credit Hours/ ECTS Credits:
(3+0+0) 3 TEDU Credits, 6 ECTS Credits
Catalog Description:
Sociological Approaches to Religion. Discussions on Secularization. Critiques of Secularization and Secularism. Religion in Turkey. Contemporary Debates on the Role of Religion in Society. Religion and Science. Religion and Gender. Religion and Violence. Religion and Social Movements. Religion and Migration.
Pre-requisite / Co-requisite
SOC 103 OR SOC 101-O OR SOC 101
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
Identify the concepts fundamental to studies on religion and religious communities.
Explain prominent theoretical approaches about the role of religion in modern societies.
Analyze the current social and political debates around religion, religion and gender, religion and social movements, and religion and migration in various societies across the world and throughout the history.
Design original research projects highlighting religiosity, religious attitudes as well as practices, in addition to the connections between religion and other social institutions.
Apply the ideas and concepts from sociology of religion to other subfields of sociology.
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
Case Study/Scenarion Analysis
Oral Presentation
Concept Mapping
Hands-on Activities
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Test / Exam
Written Project
Presentation (Oral/Poster)