Course Code & Number:
ELEP 104
Course Title:
Writing Skills 2
Credit Hours/ ECTS Credits:
(2+0+0) 2 TEDU Credits, 3 ECTS Credits
Catalog Description:
Reading for writing, writing for reading; creating awareness of the practices to be done before, during and after writing; rewriting by making a comment; the ability to examine what they write; self- assessment; peer evaluation; writing composition and homework report
Pre-requisite / Co-requisite
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this class students will be able to;
1) Demonstrate awareness of the demands of academic writing in a variety of genres,
2) Identify plagiarism and avoid plagiarism in writing,
3) Choose reliable sources (e.g., journal articles, book chapters, newspaper articles, online readings and videos, etc.) relevant to the topic of the writing task,
4) Evaluate arguments and critically analyze and synthesize information from different sources,
5) Respond appropriately to thoughts, opinions and work of others using APA citations and referencing, and
6) Fluently draft advanced level academic texts from different genres, evaluate, and edit own and others’ academic texts.
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
Instructional methods along with student discussions.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Test / Exam
Written Project