Course Code & Number:
ELEP 108
Course Title:
Oral Communication Skills 2
Credit Hours/ ECTS Credits:
(2+0+0) 2 TEDU Credits, 3 ECTS Credits
Catalog Description:
Improvement of advanced oral communication skills; improvement of appropriate expression skill of thoughts and feelings through oral activities such as interviews, presentations and discussions; presentation and application of techniques and strategies for listening comprehension and by which improvement of advanced speaking and listening comprehension skills.
Pre-requisite / Co-requisite
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this class students will be able to;
1) increase awareness for the importance of employing effective communication strategies in English.
2) improve listening skills and strategies of students in academic and colloquial English.
3) improve their pronunciation skills with special emphasis on the effective analysis of language input.
4) improve their speaking skills to participate in discussions, and to deliver presentations.
5) employ an appropriate and effective range of verbal and non-verbal skills in a variety of situations.
6) build confidence in terms of using English language appropriately in the critical analysis of others' speeches and the delivery of group and individual speeches.
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:
critical oral and written analysis of selected resources; Self- and peer-reflections; Individual and group presentations.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Test / Exam
Presentation (Oral/Poster)
Assessment Methods and Criteria Others:
Job interview