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İ. Kıvanç Çınar

İbrahim Kıvanç Çınar

İ. Kıvanç Çınar

TEDYUV (The Foundation)

Foundation Executive Board Member

He was born in Ankara in 1978. After completing his education at TED Ankara College in 1995, he graduated from the Department of Business Administration at Gazi University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.

Between 2000 and 2008, he served as the Head of Swets Information Services Turkiye Office.  In 2008, he founded Informascope Information Technologies company. By opening offices in Turkey, USA and Kazakhstan, he continued to  work with important global business partners in the industry.

With the knowledge and experience he gained in the publishing sector, he has led important projects in digital publishing in Turkey and contributed to the creation of digital platforms that benefit thousands of researchers and students. He continues his  work in the fields of academic performance management, scientific publishing, and software technologies.

Within the Turkish Education Association family;  he is a member of the Turkish Education Association, TED Ankara College Alumni Association, and TED Ankara College Sports Club. He has previously served on the Board of Directors of the TED Ankara College Alumni Association. He is also a member of the Publishing Standards and Digital Publishing Commission of the Turkish Publishers Association.

He is married and a father of one child.