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Health Practices - Practices Implemented against COVID-19

  • COVID-19 is basically a respiratory tract disease transmitted through droplets. Also it is possible to transmit when people touch the surfaces where droplets are released during coughing and sneezing of an infected person and then touching their mouths, noses and eyes before cleaning their hands.
  • Common symptoms of the disease include fever (37.5ºC or higher), coughing, and difficulty breathing. In addition to these, sore throat, post-nasal drip, headache, muscle pain, arthralgia, fatigue, diarrhea, and loss of taste and smell may also be seen.
  • In case you have one or more of these symptoms, you are required to consult to the Health Center if you are on the campus where your case will be evaluated by the professionals. If these symptoms appear off the campus, you need to consult to the nearest health institution and inform the Health Center via email (
  • You should strictly observe the rules of physical distance and wear a face mask in order to prevent infection. You must clean your hands often by washing with soap, or using alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
  • It is essential that we strictly observe the rule of FACE MASKS, PHYSICAL DISTANCE and HYGIENE to succeed in our efforts to prevent infection in the University and it is a part of our responsibilities as individuals within the society.
  • We have prepared a Health Information Form and Health Information Form for Visitors  in order to protect public health, to help preventive medicine practices, to implement medical diagnosis, treatment and nursing services, and to reduce the risk of infection.