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Enfal Sartaş

enfal sartas

Enfal Sartaş

Basic Sciences Unit

Research / Teaching Assistant Oda No:A113

ORCID:  0000-0001-5537-2782

Enfal Sartaş received his bachelor's degree as an honor student from the Physics Department of Middle East Technical University (METU). He also completed the Aeropropulsion minor at the same university's Aerospace Engineering Department. During his undergraduate studies, Sartaş worked for 2 years at the METU Plasma, Optics, and Laser Research Laboratory with the AIT (Axial Injection Torch) plasma coating methods, and he conducted his graduation project in the same field. Apart from his physics education, he has also graduated as a high honor student from Anadolu University's Management Information Systems program.

During his master's studies, Enfal Sartaş turned to theoretical physics and wrote his master's thesis in the field of "Physics Beyond the Standard Model".