The URF Project of Our Elementary Mathematics Education Students Has Been Accepted under the Consultancy of Dr. Emre Akdoğan!
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Sena Ölçer, Burak Katı, Aleynanur Akbaba, Beyza Çakır have received URF-Undergraduate Research Fund- by Directorate of Research, Technology and Innovation at TED University. The research team started their research entitled Co-Design of STEM+A Education Module by Using MBot, Arduino, and Mblock on 21.04.2021 when the project received acceptance by the lead of Asst. Prof. Dr. Elçin Emre Akdoğan. We congratulate our students and the faculty member and wish them a successful project period.
The URF Project of Our Elementary Mathematics Education Students Has Been Accepted under the Consultancy of Dr. Emre Akdoğan!