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We are waiting your participation to IdeathonTEDU on December, 9-10 with your innovative solutions.


Dear TEDU Students,

We are waiting your participation to IdeathonTEDU on December, 9-10 with your innovative solutions.

At the ideathon, which is co-organized by TEDU and VIVEKA, you can also develop the most creative solutions in the focus areas of Education, Health, Environment, Food, Smart Cities and Connected Vehicles and win the grand prize!

The teams should consist of maximum 4 members and they are expected to develop their ideas by participating regularly in the sessions during these two days and to explain their concept / pre-prototype /user scenario to the jury at the end of the event.

Deadline for application is December 5, 2022!

Detailed information and application form is avaiable on:

Tarih:  -