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Faculty / InstituteDepartmentAccreditation OrganizationStart DateEnding DateExternal Reference Source 

Faculty of Education

 Educational Sciences Department/Guidance and Psychological CounselingEPDAD - Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs)28.03.201901.05.2027Click here! 
 Department of Mathematics and Science Education - Mathematics EducationEPDAD - Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs01.05.202401.05.2027Click here! 
 Department of Elementary Education - Early Childhood EducationEPDAD - Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs28.03.201901.05.2027Click here! 
 Department of Elementary Education - Primary EducationEPDAD - Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs28.03.201901.05.2027Click here! 
 Department of Foreign Language Education – English Language EducationEPDAD - Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs24.04.202124.04.2026Click here! 

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

 PsychologyTurkish Psychologists Association22.02.202222.02.2027Click here! 

Faculty of Architecture and Design

 ArchitectureAssociation for Accreditation of Architectural Education Board (MiAK-MAK)07.09.202307.09.2029Click here! 
 Industrial DesignIndustrial Design Accreditation Board (ENTAK)06.03.202506.03.2030Click here! 

TED University

 YÖKAK Institutional Accreditation 18.08.202118.08.2026Click here! 
 ISO 27001 Information Security Management System 01.08.201831.07.2024Click here! 
 YÖK Barrier-Free University Award / FlagCouncil of Higher Education (YÖK)5.06.20235.06.2026Click here! 



Full Accreditation from YÖKAK to TED University for 5 Years!

Within the scope of the “Institutional Accreditation Program” implemented for the first time in the field of higher education in Turkey by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK), our university's 5-year institutional accreditation decision was approved.

The Institutional Accreditation Program, which enables universities to be evaluated in quality assurance system, education and training, research and development, social contribution and administrative processes, aims to increase the national contributions of universities in Turkey and their visibility in the world.

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All Programs of TED University Faculty of Education Accredited with High Scores!

While the number of faculties of education in Turkey is approaching one hundred, TED University Faculty of Education has become the only faculty of education in Turkey with all undergraduate programs accredited. 

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6-Year Accreditation for TED University Department of Architecture

TEDU Department of Architecture's application to the Architectural Accreditation Board dated 02.02.2022 has been successful in line with the evaluation based on the Self-Assesment Report and the visit realized on June 7-9th 2023. With the decision of  Consistency Committee on September 5, 2023 and the decision of Architectural Accreditation Board dated September 7, 2023, TEDU Undergradute program has been granted "Conditional 6-Year Accreditation". 


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Accreditation from TPD to TED University Psychology Department!

Based on the 2-year accreditation decision made as a result of the TPD-PPAB evaluation process authorized by YÖK for the accreditation of our psychology undergraduate program, we are pleased to inform you that our undergraduate program has been "Accredited for Five (5) Years" until 22.02.2027 by extending for 3 more years as of 23.02.2024 as a result of the evaluation made after the completion application we made to extend the decision to 5 years.

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Barrier-Free Access and Barrier-Free Education

2023 Barrier-Free University Awards found their owners today. Among 1091 applications from 97 universities, a total of 56 universities were entitled to receive 295 flags. As TED University, we are returning with 8 flags from this award ceremony initiated by CoHE within the scope of the studies carried out with the themes of "Barrier-Free Access and Barrier-Free Education".

As a city university, we attach great importance to the full, effective and equal participation of disabled individuals within the campus boundaries.

We congratulate all the universities that we received flags together and advocate for barrier-free education at the ceremony hosted by CoHE.


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